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WHO Chairs

Jibraan Arora-Head Chair


I, Jibraan Arora , student of 10th standard , Delhi Public School Hyderabad will be head chair for WHO.
I am a very cheerful , helpful and humane person. My leadership abilities are excellent as I love to lead any group or programme that I am a part of.
I have a long history of being House Captain , Class monitor year after year during my 10 years in school.
I was considered a top candidate for head boy by the teachers this year but Covid 19 happened and that got postponed.
With a good academic calibre and a very keen interest in current affairs , I pursue to take Foreign Services as my future profession.
I have been a part of inter school cricket team. I love to participate in lots of debates and competitions representing my school. I also happen to be the youngest DJ telengana has and have had the privilege of playing at some prominent events over the last 4 years.

Nishil Sanghvi-Vice Chair


Greetings all, my name is Nishil, I’ll be Vice Chair for WHO, I’m currently in 12th grade pursuing Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Psychology, this will be my first time as an EB member at an MUN, I love debate and I enjoy MUNs, very much.

My First experience at an MUN was in 9th grade and I have had a strong interest ever since. I have grown to love debate very much over the past 3 years and it has played a very big role in shaping me as an intellectual. Look forward to seeing you there.

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